About the Candidate

Everything needed should be on my CV, but I am ready and willing to learn and travel. I am a fast learner and hard worker and strive to complete work to the best of my abilities. I operate well under pressure and make quick decisions and don’t doubt myself. Despite this I am still a good listener and operate well in a team.


Thurstable sixthform A-Level music technology, A-Level Media Studies, A-Level physics, As-level business

Grade B in music technology
Grade C in media studies
Grade D in physics
Grade Merit in Business


Thurstahle sixthform AV technician + live mixing

Along side music technology A-Level I helped the school by setting up audio for live musical productions and concerts. I set up the audio and had live control of it at a mixing desk, often taking the lead of the small group.

music productionEvent PlanningCustomer ServiceSound equipmentevent management
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